Three Feathers Native Curly Horses
Our goal is quality, not quantity!

What about those CURLS?!!

Here are some examples of  what CURLY HORSE hair looks like! Curls can range from large and loose to very tightly curled and some even have a "crushed velvet" type of coat. They keep curls year-round in their ears, fetlocks, manes and tails and even have curly eyelashes! Some will keep a small amount of wave even in their summer coat.
TFN Warrior's Apo Hopa
Three Feather's MeSesko Warrior
TFN Woyawaste Cikala
Lazy C Kurlee Katee's "crushed velvet" coat
GORGEOUS, double spiraled manes! (Hopa)
Wonderful, soft, tight curls!
Curls you can bury your fingers in!
Babies are born in full curl!
They even have curly eyelashes! How cute is that?!! (Cikala)
More sweet mane curls (Cikala)
For more information and examples of items made from curly horse fiber, check out the Curly Fiber Guild's page on the ICHO's (International Curly Horse Organization) website!
And, also check out Jenn Scharf, of Double J & D Acres, curly fiber art and sales page at